Listen up boys and girls…
How do you get love in a box shipped direct to your door for Valentine’s Day? Buy our oysters online of course. Premium, straight out of the water, sustainably raised oysters in fact.
Our blood, sweat, and tears go into raising these gems. What do we ask in return? When you finish slurping down these natural aphrodisiacs, please kiss your spouse, significant other, or closest stranger (on that last part, you might want to clear that in advance with the stranger-just a suggestion). No normal kiss mind you, but a kiss of passion. Ah yes, that is the satisfaction we crave.
Our oysters clearly ride in style in our beautiful shipping box. They deserve nothing less. We bust our tails raising these finicky creatures. In return, each of our oysters filter up to 50 gallons of water per day while growing in the estuary (see our filtration gallon calculator at our Conservation page). Our oysters are prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for your pleasure. They set the stage for a night of fecundity. Make out. Make up. Heck, make love. Oysters foster the dance of life. Eat more, we’ll make more. So will you this Valentine’s Day!