Do You Have Questions About Oysters?

Have you ever wondered, but never had the courage to ask? We hope to answer those questions and more in our Frequently Asked Questions section. If you have a question, please feel free to ask us!

How to Shuck an Oyster

So if you have never shucked an oyster and are anxious about this task, take a deep breath.  Relax, grab an adult beverage of your choice, and calm down.  It’s going to be OK.  We are always amazed at the anxiety people build up over such a simple task.  It really isn’t that difficult.  Similar to most things in life however, it just takes a little practice.  Once you get the hang of it, nothing is more fun or rewarding than shucking oysters for friends.  When you master the technique, you are guaranteed to gain new found respect.  Don’t be surprised if your friends tell you they “didn’t think you had it in you” as they gasp in awe of your shucking skills.  You will know at that moment you have officially joined the elite, but growing circle of ostreaphiles!

So before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s call in the expert.  To do this right, it is really best to see the process demonstrated first hand.  You can watch a great oyster shucking demonstration video below from Legal Sea Foods: